Friday, July 8, 2011

Comedy of Flyers

For the third week in a row, my flyers did not arrive.  I looked outside my front door Thursday to see they were on the neighbours steps, but not mine.  One more call to Flyer Force, and she said if the manager didn't bring them by that night, that she would have them brought over by a courier Friday morning.  I went about my day with the kids, and pulled into the driveway noticing my neighbour was out in his.  I went over, youngest on my hip, introduced myself (again) and asked if I could have his flyers.  He looked at me and said "What do you do with them?"  I chuckled inwardly at this comment.  It's true.  What I'm working so hard to have delivered, is one item most people are happy to not receive.  He thought this was all too comical, and was happy to pass me his flyers, saying he just "burns them in the winter."  Score.  More flyers for me (this weeks came with some good coupons from Rexall!).

Maybe next week I'll see Flyers on my steps?

1 comment:

  1. That is funny and unfortunate - I always throw mine in the recycle bin still rolled up but I guess I should start looking through them... or donate them! I hope next week you wake up to flyers!
